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Medical Aesthetics

At The Icon, we pride ourselves on providing industry-leading, revolutionary non-surgical treatments with the latest technology. We're committed to only performing treatments that are safe and clinically proven to be effective. Your suitability for these treatments needs to be assessed through a personalised consultation in-clinic.


is at THE ICON


 The game changer treatment that takes years off you is now available at The Icon. Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive device which targets loose skin, enlarged pores and stimulates your own collagen to tone and tighten.

This is the ultimate anti-aging treatment.


Non-Surgical under-eye and hooded eye blepharoplasty.


The most advanced non surgical face and neck tightening for skin laxity and sagging  


RF micro needling to tighten the skin and tissue remodelling. 

Rejuran is the newest injectables Treatment



Dermal Filler

Fillers are used to enhance your natural features by plumping the skin to support underlying bone and fat loss which has occurred due to the natural ageing process.


Fillers can also be used to enhance a patient's features or provide anatomical balance to problem areas.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are a safe, effective and affordable way to rejuvenate the face and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Anti wrinkle treatments relax the facial muscles, leading to less lines and a more youthful appearance.  

Doctor injecting anti wrinkle to client for reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
PDO threads to tighten skin and increase collagen production.

PDO Threads

PDO Threads stimulate collagen and elastin to create a tightening and lifting effect.


The threads become a support structure for your face, allowing natural collagen production to take place.


Bio-Remodelling injections are the latest anti-ageing treatment to promote the remodelling of ageing, crepey, lax or sagging skin tissue and improve skin hydration. 

Nurse injecting bio-remodelling treatment that is call liquid honey


 The game changer treatment that takes years off you is now available at The Icon. Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive device which targets loose skin, enlarged pores and stimulates your own collagen to tone and tighten.

This is the ultimate anti-aging treatment.

Laser Treatments

Our trained Doctor and Nurses can help revitalise your skin utilising our state-of-the-art medical grade laser.


At The Icon, with the use of IPL, Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers, we can achieve outstanding results for wrinkles, vascular, scars, acne reduction and much more.

Laser Treatments with young man
Lactic peel treatment for hydration and exfoliation.

Medical-Grade Peels

The Icon uses only state-of-the-art technology and medical grade products to facilitate outstanding results.


We offer a range of medical-grade peels and our approach is customised to your unique skin profile, which results in a smooth, radiant complexion. 

Skin Micro-Needling

Our advanced medical grade skin needling penetrates the skin at a deeper level to get optimum results with minimal downtime.

Micro-needling induces collagen production, leaving your skin feeling fresh, soft and plump. 

Skin needling with Dermapen
Consultation with Nurse at The Icon Cosmetic clinic

Non-Surgical Facelift

Ulfit is the latest development in HIFU technology (high-intensity focused Ultrasound) from the manufacturer of ULTRAFORMER; the World’s No. 1 system for ultrasound lifting, tightening and contouring.


 When expertly applied, the result is new collagen formation which creates a lifting effect and reduces fine lines. Fat cells can also be targeted and disrupted (ablated), resulting in localised loss of fat volume.

Fat-Dissolving Injections

Hate your double chin? You're not alone. The good news is that you can create a sleeker look with a few simple injections.

Submental fat-dissolving injections are a non-surgical, permanent treatment that takes less than an hour. Prior to treatment, you will be assessed and provided with a personalised treatment plan that outlines how many treatments will be required to get the best results.

Fat dissolving injections at The Icon Cosmetic Clinic
Skin booster treatment for hydration

Skin Boosters

Skin Boosters are a unique anti-ageing, poly-revitalizing complex that nourishes the epidermis by providing the ingredients that it needs to thrive.


It creates the optimal environment for fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

This new approach in cosmetic facials appeals to clients seeking a more natural method to rejuvenation using your own cells, specifically autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP).


This is a minimally invasive and a safe procedure, rich in growth factors to rejuvenate the skin, stimulates collagen to increase elasticity and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pores and scars.

PRP for rejuvenation using your own cells to stimulate collagen and hair growth for baldness.
Sculptra injections to restore volume and stimulating collagen


Bio-stimulator injections are designed for patients who wish to restore volume in their face. They are a great alternative to dermal fillers or in combination with fillers they produce even more effective results. 


Bio-stimulator creates a natural result through stimulation of your natural collagen.

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